It's called ...
Intention: To create a space to imagine, nurture and continue to birth a future in which the feminine* is celebrated!
We are looking to hold a new creative visionary space at the 60th United Nations (UN) Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Parallel Event in March 2016.
Traditionally, the UN CSW hosts UN & government-led meetings & presentations. The NGO Parallel Event hosts similar meetings, workshops and presentations led by NGOs from around the globe, all focused on the issues and challenges faced by women and girls around the world. In a nutshell, in general, both focus on ‘what is’ and what to do about it.
IMAGINE … will instead invite a creative & visionary focus on ‘what can be’. Its intention is to create a space to imagine, nurture and continue to birth a future that celebrates the feminine.
The rest is for us to co-create!
Some of what has been proposed:
To hold the space over a number of days, for some of and possibly all of the 2 weeks of the CSW . In this, it can be a go-to place for people to gather and to host emergent conversations, as well as a space for interactive installations, workshops, circles, performances & screenings in alignment with this intention.
We are intending for this to happen in New York City in March, 2016
during UN CSW 60.
(soon ... a dedicated URL:
Integral Elements:
- That it be interactive & participatory
- That it be creative
- That it be visionary/ evolutionary/ a space that invites us to be different. In other words, is actively in the process of creating a new paradigm, a paradigm that invites us to stretch into consciously choosing what kind of human being we most wish to be.
- That it be a collectively-created sacred space.
- That it be inclusive, warm and welcoming to all who desire to contribute to the intention - of celebrating the feminine*.
Other desired elements:
That there be
- elements such as workshops & sharing circles, that are facilitated at certain times & days
- interactive elements that do not require anyone to be there to oversee or facilitate things, such as an art station & a 'pondering’ or meditation station
- open unstructured space for people to gather organically & spontaneously
- radical elements that open radical new possibilities
Possible Workshops/ Circles, etc: (most currently in dream-state)
- Children’s Art Show/ everyone’s art show …
The Millionth Circle – sharing & empowerment circle
Compassionate Communication/ NVC/ Positive Discipline workshops
Screenings of The Fifth Sacred Thing
Compassion in Action story-sharing & courage-building circle
Facilitated art workshop
Guided visualization
What if ... Yes and ... creative workshop
*Feminine: embracing qualities such as inclusiveness, listening, kindness, cooperation, collaboration, gentle, soft, generous, patient, ... etc. You know dozens more that our world hungers for ...
Do you want to help make it happen?
There are opportunities to help in every way!!
Here are some of the main areas that could use the desire & expertise of people:
Securing an appropriate venue to host IMAGINE ...
Staging, or creating a space that truly celebrates the feminine ~ that is warm & welcoming
For interactive installations, for held &/or facilitated workshops, circles, etc, and possibly inspired & inspiring performances
A budget is being worked on ... though the more that is raised, the more that is possible,
including paying people for their contributions (rather than expect them to volunteer) when it would make a difference to them. See below to make a donation now.
Who do you know that really needs to be a part of this?
Who can connect people from around the city and the world to us & us to them?
making sure all the big & little pieces come together.
Visual and digital recording of what happens in the space. Could also include preparing an interactive installation that invites patrons to contribute their impressions & collecting these impressions
The core of the feminine, meant to sweep us off our feet and into the new paradigm!
Why bother, if not for this?!!
If you are inspired to contribute to this project in some way, please fill out & submit the form below with your contact information and any thoughts, ideas, offerings for this project. As well, if you would be willing to make a financial donation towards the effort to help it all come together, please do so through the donation button at the bottom of this page.
Yes! I'd like to help out!
For CDN$ donations
For US$ donations