Agreement of Understanding:
I understand that I am wholly responsible for my own health & well-being for the duration of my participation in the Women’s Backcountry Paddling Trip 2024, organized and hosted by Shelley Hannah.
I understand that Shelley will provide basic instruction on how to be and travel safely in a backcountry context, and will provide programming intended to support a rich group experience, and that my expectation of her responsibility ends there. I am aware that there are risks involved and willingly assume the responsibility for making choices to keep myself safe while on the trip.
I further understand that Shelley will not be carrying any liability insurance coverage for my participation on this expedition should anything unexpected arise and result in injury, illness or death to me while on the trip.
Any and all financial contribution/s I make are in support of both her organizing and leadership work on the trip and her contributions to collective community beyond the trip.