You are here for a reason.
Know it. Own it. Flourish.
‘Intuitive Readings’ ...
regarding your essence, your soul's purpose
What are they?
In a nutshell, it's a conversation in which together, we discover the essence of you that I sense, see & pick-up on intuitively. I liken it to your super-power. Most have experienced this as being ‘seen’ in a way that they have not or have rarely experienced before.
What people have been saying:
Your intuitiveness cut to the core of my being and my tears were of joy knowing someone could see "me".
Shelley you have an ability to see into people's core and to lovingly speak the truth about who they are. You saw my gifts and helped me to truly experience and feel them. I feel empowered to connect in an authentic way. And I feel the possibility and anticipation about where this will lead me.
With Shelley I felt that instant connection that immediately opened up my heart and words were flowing into one of the most meaningful conversations I ever had.
I have a renewed sense of pride in the human being that I am and my potential. Thank you!
When I first read that our meeting would be over the phone, I thought it was weird. But once I started talking with you I was more comfortable and felt like I was talking to an old friend.
I don't think that in all of the healing sessions and intuitives I have come across in my lifetime, that anyone has ever picked up on that part of my soul.
I came away with a greater sense of clarity in my life path.
Fabulous. Inspirational and astonishingly accurate.
Do I need to do anything?
No preparation on your part is necessary, other than an open, willing spirit. You might consider what your intention is in coming to the reading. Consider what you’d like to get out of our conversation & what you’d like to be different once we are through. You are also welcome to bring any question you may have to the conversation.
I recommend you bring paper and a pen to the session to take notes. You may also request (in advance) that the session be recorded, or arrange to record it at your end.
What to expect
Phone or Zoom sessions may be booked between 10am & 5pm Mon - Fri. Eastern Time. Special requests for other times or in-person sessions in the Singhampton or Collingwood, Ontario area may be considered.
Intuitive Readings run approximately 1hr long. I encourage you to take notes, and to take a half hour to 45min after the reading to either journal or walk or otherwise allow the information to integrate, before planning other things.