Thank You for your interest in 

Love Notes!

Available for All Ages, for 12 years & up ... et en français

(scroll down to order!)

What are Love Notes?
They are beautiful notes of loving affirmations, rolled in lovely little colourful scrolls ... that have an uncanny way of landing in the right person's hands.

How do you use them?
 Share them individually, or by the bag with friends, colleagues, patients, teachers, students, clients, teammates, classmates, prospective clients ... or random strangers!  You're sure to leave a warm ripple in their heart.


 Get YOUR OWN WEBSITE on the back of every note!!

click here for more info

 Now Available!  Love Notes
... en Français!!

 The 'Originals' 

over 100 different acknowledgements in 5 brilliant colours in Shelley's 'mainly legible' - aka Shelley's chicken-scratch handwriting!

#2. Tally your order & pay here:

(yes, you can put to good use the math you learned in elementary school!!) Remember to include the shipping! :) 

 Throughout the pandemic, enjoy our original 2014 prices!

Packages of 25 - $9 $7

Packages of 50 - $15 $12

and new in 2021:

Bags of 100 unique Love Notes - $22

Buy 10 & get one free!

also available:

Bulk orders of loose notes:

- 1000 notes - $219 $189

- 500 notes - $120  $99

Shipping & handling -within Canada & the US:

 for orders up to $50, add $5

 for orders $51- $100, add $10

 For orders $101-$150, add $15

For expresspost delivery (for up to $75 worth of Love Notes) - $25 

    For orders over $150, pls call or send us a message.

Shipping & handling- outside of Canada & the US

please call or send us a message for an accurate quote on shipping.

or save on shipping & call to arrange for a pick-up in Lindsay, ON ;)

Call Us at 705-532-7375

or submit your question on the order form here --->

Simply enter the TOTAL amount where 'Price Per Item' shows up.

Thank you!

Did you get a Love Note that you loved? 

We'd love to hear your story!

Please share it with us here or

on our fb page here

Order Love Notes here!

Choose from 'all ages', 12 yrs & up, Originals, 
for Lovers,  et eFrançais!

Our most popular 'Go To' Love Notes ...

 for all ages 

over 150 different messages suitable for ages 4 and up!

 for ages 12 yrs and up 

over 200 different messages including all the 'for all ages' Love Notes as well as other more complex ideas and acknowledgments  


 And some for lovers!

 a little sexy, a little playful, always positive

appropriate for all adults, regardless of gender or preference

*Lovers' Love Notes are only available in bags of 25  unique notes

Step 1~ Place your order; Step 2 - Pay!

#1. Submit your order details.  (immediately below) You will be returned to this page to then 
#2. Tally your total order and pay (below and to the left)

#1. Submit your order details here:


Submit your details here. You will be returned to this page where you can proceed to pay for your order. See Step #2.

Do you have a special Love Note story you'd like to share?

We'd love to hear about it!
click here

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